Mathilde to Alois Gerstl – 8/9 November 1908

Mathilde Schönberg to Alois Gerstl – 8/9 November 1908

  • 3 page letter from [ill.] Liechtensteinstr. 70 to Herrn Alois Gerstl, IX Nußdorferstr. 35
  • Postmarked “Wien 9.11.1908 Bestellt”, probably the day that the letter was delivered.
  • Stamp missing and no postmark on front of envelope.
  • Letter written, therefore, either 8 November, the day after Gerstl’s funeral, or, if sent by express post or, perhaps, Rohrpost, possibly on the morning of 9th.

Reproduced from Otto Breicha’s originals with the kind permission of Philipp Breicha and the Breicha family.
(Note: Envelope not to scale)

Werter Herr Gerstl. – Meinen besten Dank für Ihre liebe Bemühung, ich hätte Sie riesig gerne selbst gesprochen bin aber durch das Furchtbare so elend und herunter, daß es mir unmöglich war. Ich hoffe aber unbedingt bis wir alle etwas ruhiger geworden sind Sie noch zu sprechen. – Ich möchte Sie nun bitten, falls Sie in Richard’s Atelier Sachen finden, von denen Sie vermuten daß sie mir gehören, sie einfach zu vernichten. Bitte mir nichts zu senden, es ist mir alles so furchtbar schmerzlich daß mich an dieses traurigste Unglück erinnert. – Glauben Sie mir, Richard hat von uns beiden den leichteren Weg gewählt. Leben zu müssen in so einem Fall ist schrecklich schwer.
Leben Sie wohl und wie gesagt, ich hoffe Sie nicht das letzte Mal gesprochen zu haben. Ihre
Mathilde Schönberg.

Dear Herr Gerstl. – Many thanks for your efforts, I would have much liked to speak to you myself, but I am so poorly and down because of the tragedy, that I found it to be impossible. I certainly hope to speak to you, when we are all somewhat calmer. – I would only now ask you, if you should find something in Richard’s studio, that you suspect to belong to me, simply to destroy it. Please do not send me anything, it is all so terribly painful, and only reminds me of the tragic misfortune. -Believe me, Richard has chosen the easiest way for both of us. To have to live, in such circumstances, is very hard.
Be well, and as I said, I hope that I haven’t spoken to you for the last time. Yours
Mathilde Schönberg.

(each opens in a separate window)

Previous letter: Mathilde to Alois Gerstl – 6/7 November 1908
Next letter: Schönberg to Alois Gerstl – 7-9 November 1908
Return to: Post-suicide letters, November 1908

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Or click on a date below to view an individual letter:
Mathilde to Schönberg: 28 June 1907 ♦ ♦ 29 June 1907 ♦ ♦ 9 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 10 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 11 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 12 June 1908/1 ♦ ♦ 12 June 1908/2 ♦ ♦ 13 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 14 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 15 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 16 June 1908/1 ♦ ♦ 16 June 1908/2 ♦ ♦ 17 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 18 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 19 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 20 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 21 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 22 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 23 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 24 June 1908 ♦ ♦ 25 June 1908 ♦ ♦ [27] August 1908/1 ♦ ♦ [27] August 1908/2 ♦ ♦ 27/28 August 1908 ♦ ♦ 28/29 August 1908
Mathilde to Alois Gerstl: 6/7 November 1908 ♦ ♦ 8/9 November 1908
Schönberg to Alois Gerstl:
7-9 November 1908

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